Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30 "Nothing"

Nothing really new. It is damn cold out, that's all. I have been staying away from fast food. It is amazing how many opportunities afford themselves to this option. It's just so convenient ... by design of course. That said, I cannot say that I have been eating all too well either. Just normal, I guess. I have been doing push ups and arm curls with weights several times a week. Yeah, I'm taking it slow. But I believe that that's the only way I can slowly adapt to a newer, better lifestyle. The half is now less than nine months away. I need to sign up at the Westerville Rec Center soon so I can start running inside. And, perhaps most importantly, I need to set a firm start date to start running outside. Maybe St. Patrick's Day. This endeavor may be bigger than I first imagined. But I am determined to accomplish it, God willing. And, I know that the Ron that will cross the finish line come October will be a vastly different one than the one who is typing this blog post one a cold January Sunday morning. I so look forward to meeting him.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011 "Beauty and the Beast"

I had a colleague swing by my desk yesterday. Nice guy. Great guy. He commented on this photo of Pamela and the girls that's the wallpaper on my larger monitor, "Dude, she is WAY out of your league!" He meant it as a slight jab and a compliment to my wife. But I've heard this all too many times from other people. What does she see in you?! Not fun. Maybe it's time for me to step up. Get in better shape. And at least be a few degrees closer to Pamela--who is beautiful both outside and in.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1.2.11 (194.5 lbs.) "The Pathetic Before"

This is the pathetic part. You know, the "before" photo. The left side that we glance at in order to contrast it to the better, improved image at right. I weighed in this morning. I thought after a week of eating in Wisconsin that I'd be well over 200. Only 194.5. Not too bad. Not in shape. Not anything solid. Not too respectful. But still, not a bad starting point. Tomorrow, I will go through my running stuff and take an inventory. Probably a lot to throw out. Probably a few things I need to purchase. Two relatively new pairs of running shoes; that's good. And at $175 for the year, the Westerville Rec Center (with indoor track) is way too sweet of a deal to pass up. I plan on signing up (along with several dozen other "New Year's Resolution Makers") later this week. As for eating, it went well today. A bit of a headache due to lack of coffee. But it's tolerable. Like yesterday, a banana to start my day. Pretty decent eating day. No crap. I know this may be boring to most readers. But it is important to me. I am taking baby steps. It is the only way I know I'll finish this and complete my half marathon. If I jump into it all at once and start running like a crazy man, dramatically changing my eating habits over night, etc., I know I'll fail. But being 207 lbs. this time last year, and 194.5 today, I know that I can do this!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011

We left Wisconsin for Ohio in the morning. It is officially "Day 1" of my new regimen. We stop for lunch with the girls requesting McDonald's. One last fast food visit ... and no more for 2011. My thinking: it will be easy for me to remember January 1st as the last time I had fast food. Might be breaking the official "New Year's Resolution" thing by a day, but it works for me. We are now home, unpacked, safe and sound. I will take an inventory of my running gear tomorrow. It is supposed to be a high of 29 degrees tomorrow. Not the best weather to start running. Maybe I'll walk to start.